West Ashley Wellness is dedicated to treating your conditions and symptoms by finding the underlying cause and creating a personalized treatment plan that meets your immediate and long term goals.

Our highly experienced doctors and staff are trained to treat numerous and diverse conditions but below are some of our most common:

⇒ Back Pain

⇒ Knee Pain

⇒ Shoulder Pain

⇒ Neck Pain

⇒ Joint Pain

⇒ Arthritis

⇒ Tennis/Golf elbow

⇒ Neuropathy

⇒ Automobile Accident

⇒ Whiplash

⇒ Headaches/Migraines

⇒ Erectile Dysfunction

⇒ Hormone Imbalance

⇒ Fatigue

⇒ Lack of Focus

⇒ Abdominal Fat

⇒ Sleep Deprivation

Back & Neck Pain

A woman is holding her back in pain while standing on the beach.

At West Ashley Wellness and Rehab, we treat all forms of low back pain, mid and upper back pain and neck pain. We encourage patients to seek treatment at the first indication of back pain. Regardless of the cause of your injury - sports injuries, heavy lifting, daily tasks - our medical & sports injury professionals will provide the care you need to alleviate your pain and help your return to an active, healthy lifestyle.

Knee Pain

A man is holding his knee in pain.

The knee is the largest and one of the most complicated joints in the body. The three bones that connect to form the knee joint consist of your femur (thigh bone), tibia (shinbone), and patella (kneecap). As the knee is one of the strongest joints in the body, it is also easily injured. While knee pain can result from an athletic injury or arthritis, it is important to understand your symptoms so it can be treated accordingly.

Joint Pain

A skeleton and joints of a person with arthritis.

Joints form the connection between bones. They provide support and help you move and any damage from disease or injury can interfere with your movement and cause pain. Joint pain is common, especially as you age.

Shoulder Pain

A man is holding his shoulder in pain.

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint with a large range of movement. With such a mobile joint it tends to be more susceptible to injury.Shoulder pain can come on gradually or abruptly and range in pain level. Often times other parts of the body can be an underlying cause to the pain in your shoulder.


An older man is holding his hand in pain.

Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness in one or more of your joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness. As with many joint issues, the symptoms typically worsen with age.


A person is holding a red ball to their foot.

Neuropathy, or nerve damage, can result from a wide range of conditions such as diabetes and even treatments like chemotherapy. In fact, neuropathy, which is sometimes referred to as peripheral neuropathy, is not a single health condition but rather a term used to describe a range of health problems involving damage to the peripheral nerves, as well as the symptoms of those issues. While the group of conditions is irreversible, you can take steps to help prevent neuropathy or manage it through diet, lifestyle, and treatment.


A woman is holding her head in pain while sitting at a table.

Headaches can be more complicated than most people realize. Different kinds can have their own set of symptoms, happen for unique reasons, and need different treatments.The pain you feel during a headache comes from a mix of signals between your brain, blood vessels, and nearby nerves. There are several different treatments we can try to eliminate the underlying cause of headaches.

Erectile Dysfunction

A man is sitting on a bed with his head in his hands.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. This is most often caused when blood flow in the penis is limited or nerves are harmed. When these symptoms become an ongoing issue, it can cause stress, affect your self confidence and contribute to relationship problems or even be an early warning of more serious illness.

Hormone Imbalance

A woman is sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee.

Your hormones play an integral part in your overall health, both male and female. There is a broad range of signs or symptoms that could indicate a hormone imbalance. When you have a hormonal imbalance, you have too much or too little of a certain hormone. Even tiny changes can have serious effects throughout your whole body.

A white background with a few lines on it

Weight Loss

A person is holding their stomach with their hands while wearing jeans.

Excessive fat in the abdominal area is a common weight loss goal, but is also particularly harmful in this area as it can be linked to serious diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Losing this fat can have significant benefits for your overall health.

Fatigue/Sleep Deprivation

A man is sleeping at a desk with a cup of coffee.

Fatigue is an overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy, leaving you without motivation for your daily activities. Feeling fatigued is a common symptom of many physical health conditions, as well as lifestyle factors.

Lack of Focus

A group of people are sitting at a table looking at their phones.

You rely on concentration to get through your day to day activities, like work or school. When you can't maintain your attention, focus on a task or think clearly, your performance can be affected. A number of medical conditions can contribute to your inability to stay focused.

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