At West Ashley Wellness, together with Biote®, we believe in healthy aging and understand that the aging process for each patient is unique. That's why we offer you the answer to your search for the most effective hormone replacement therapy near me in Charleston, SC.

Hormone imbalances or irregularities can be a cause of several unwanted side effects such as:

⇒ Mood Fluctuations

⇒ Anxiousness

⇒ Irritability

⇒ "Brain Fog"

⇒ Weight Gain

⇒ Loss of Sex Drive

⇒ Chronic Fatigue

⇒ and More...

A woman is holding a red heart and a blister pack of pills.


Biote's® Method of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT, uses pellets. They contain bio-identical hormones compounded in quality-controlled facilities located in the U.S.

  • What Is BHRT?

    BHRT stands for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bio-identical refers to how molecularly similar the supplemental hormone is to the human hormone. People who lack certain hormones or who have too much of a certain hormone may benefit from BHRT.

  • What Are BHRT Pellets for Women?

    BHRT pellets for women are inserted subcutaneously in the upper buttocks. They are made of custom-compounded hormones and binders that hold them together. Every batch of hormones is tested for potency, sterility, and endotoxins, ensuring that patients are being provided the best possible therapy to expedite their journey towards optimal wellness.

  • What Is the BHRT Pellet Insertion Process Like for Women?

    The BHRT pellet insertion process is straightforward, fast, and simple.

    First, schedule an office visit to have your hormone levels tested. Based on a comprehensive consultation and extensive lab work, our medical professionals will determine if the patient is a candidate for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

    If you are a candidate for BHRT, custom pellet therapy insertion will take place either at your next appointment!

The path to feeling better begins with exploring the benefits of hormone replacement. Call West Ashley Wellness and Rehab today to schedule a consultation and find out if you are a candidate!

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